The Problem
Do you ever wonder why some people refuse to drink unfiltered tap water? In recent years, the Flint water crisis has shed light on a problem plaguing America’s drinking water supply, and its crumbling water infrastructure. People all over the United States are investing in water systems to remove impurities found in their tap water. Yes, it is true! The United States has a problem supplying quality drinking water in several places. According to New York Times (2019), “Flint residents began telling their elected officials that there was something wrong with the water, which smelled terrible, tasted like metal and seemed to give them skin rashes”. According to the same New York Times article, lead from the city’s outdated pipes bled into the water, causing alarmingly high lead levels in the blood of many residents. The problem in Flint prompted researchers to check for impurities and pathogens in drinking water all over the United States. According to recent studies. “in any given year from 1982 to 2015, somewhere between 9 million and 45 million Americans got their drinking water from a source that was in violation of the Safe Drinking Water Act. This is why it is important to invest in a water purification system like the Berkey line.
Why Bottle Water is not the Answer?
After hearing about the problem, the first thought that comes to most folk’s minds is to buy bottled water. However, buying bottled water only contributes to our environmental problems. One study found that “eighty-five million bottles of water are consumed in the United States every day and more than thirty billion bottles a year”. The negative effect is reflected in a study that states, “humans buy a million plastic bottles per minute, but 91% of all plastic is not recycled. The data shows that most plastic is not recycled which is alarming enough, but a bigger problem is that chemicals and pollutants have been found in bottled water. Toxic disinfection byproducts (DBPs) such as chloroform, bromodichloromethane, and halo acetic acids, are formed when disinfectants react with organic matter found in rivers or streams. This defeats the purpose of buying water because it is “safer”. Increased consumption of bottled water has been linked to the erosion of public tap water revenues. The mass purchase of bottled water reduces the government’s capacity to make improvements to the basic water infrastructure. You should consider investing in a water purification system, because they remove virtually all contaminants but leave the “good stuff” in the water.
The Answer: A Berkey Water System
The Berkey water systems are flying off of the shelves because they are highly effective at creating drinkable water. The Berkey system is a gravity-fed water purification system that eliminates the need for water pressure, electricity, or special plumbing. The Berkey systems are equipped with an upper chamber and a lower chamber, which includes two Black Berkey filters for the upper chamber. This is great if you are in a situation where there is no electricity. The lower chamber catches the purified water, which is dispensed through a water spigot at the bottom of the lower chamber. This type of filtration is a lot slower than other types of filters but eight times faster than other gravity-fed systems. Slower filtration is important because it means the system is efficient at removing impurities but leaving minerals that your body needs.
Berkey Versus Reverse Osmosis and Distillation
Berkey Versus Brita
The Berkey line possess a competitive advantage over its competitors because the units are gravity-fed and filters more water at a time, than other brands. Although the initial cost may be more than other brands. It is equally as important to leave minerals in the water that the body needs while removing impurities. Investing in a Berkey will help reduce plastic consumption for some, but simultaneously eliminate the need for pitchers, which takes up a lot of space in your fridge.